Online Professional Development for Speech Pathologists & Audiologists
We develop interactive, video-rich, online education for the Central Institute of the Deaf (CID). CID’s online learning solutions are free and convenient courses that provide access to relevant information to improve outcomes for children with hearing loss. Courses include input from subject matter experts conveyed in engaging formats.
Topics include:
- Developing IEP Goals for Students with Hearing Loss: Speech, Language, and Auditory Development
- Linking Language and Literacy: Strategies for Developing Reading and Writing Skills in Children Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- Auditory Training for Speech Detection
- Auditory Training for Suprasegmental Perception Skills
- Auditory Training for Vowel and Consonant Perception Skills
- Auditory Training for Connected Speech Skills
Courses are designed for continuing education unit credit to assist with credential maintenance and professional development.

Click on each video to see course samples.